Alumni & Student Publications & Department Publications

Our students publish two literary journals: Fourteen Hills and Transfer.

Fourteen Hills

Fourteen Hills: The SFSU Review, published by SF State Creative Writing graduate students, an international literary journal with a national circulation, had its first issue in fall, l994. It is open to all writers to submit. This publication also runs a contest to print a chapbook, The Michael Rubin Book Award! The cover for our Fall 2020 Winner, Steven Kennedy, is featured below.


Transfer Magazine

Transfer Magazine, is an SF State undergraduate run student literary magazine which has been published at San Francisco State University since l956. The magazine only publishes work by currently enrolled students at SF State. To submit a writing sample, please follow the guidelines.

If you experience difficulty in accessing this content, please contact the Department of Creative Writing by email at and we will provide you with accessible alternatives.


Our students and alumni actively publish; the list keeps getting longer!  And each year the Department of Creative Writing keeps you updated with our Newsletters. Please stay in touch with us, letting us know of your publications and career advancements; you may email us at Please note that this page is updated when alumni email us news, or submit a blurb for the newsletter. We do not track all of our many publishing alumni. If your name is missing from our list, we'd love to add you! Please email with your publications! Please note that self-published books must receive official literary recognition to be included in our publication list. Please include that detail for inclusion of your self-published works.

Cover of AU book

Cover of All Ships Follow Me book

Book cover for The Planet of the Dead

Quantum Herecies book cover

Book cover for Moon

Fiebre Tropical book cover

Creative Writing Alumni & Student Publications A–Z



Adams, Jane Meredith
The Last Time I Wore a Dress. Riverhead Books, 1997.

Adeyeye, Fisayo
Cradles. Nomadic Press, 2017.

Adisa, Opal Palmer
Interviewing the Caribbean Volume 5 #2: Childhood Traumas + Triumps pt 2. The University of the West Indies Press, 2020.
Interviewing the Caribbean Volume 5 #1: Childhood Traumas + Triumps. The University of the West Indies Press, 2020.
Dance Quadrille, Play Quelbe. Amazon, 2020.
Look! A Moko Jumbie. Amazon, 2020.
Loves’s Promise. CarribbeanReads, 2017.
Fame, Money, Power Not Required! Amazon, 2015.
4-Headed Woman. Tia Chucha, 2013.
Carribean Erotic: Poetry, Prose & Essays. Peepal Tree Press Ltd. 2011.
Painting Away Regrets. Peepal Tree Press, 2011.
I Name Me Name: Lola. Peepal Tree Press, 2009.
Eros Muse: Poems and Essays. Africa World Press, 2006.
Until Judgment Comes: Stories about Jamaican Men. Peepal Tree Press, 2006.
Caribbean Passion. Peepal Tree Press, 2004.
It Begins with Tears. Caribbean Writers Series, 1997.
Tamarind and Mango Women. Sister Vision Press, 1993.
Leaf-of-Life. Jukebox Press, 1996.
Bake-Face and Other Guava Stories. Kelsey Street Press, 1989.
Pina, the Many-Eyed Fruit. Julian Richardson, 1985.

Addonizio, Kim
Mortal Trash: Poems. W.W. Norton & Company, 2016.
The Palace of Illusions: Stories. Soft Skull Press, 2014.
The Poet’s Companion. W. W. Norton & Company, 2010.
Lucifer at the Starlite: Poems. W. W. Norton & Company, 2009.
Ordinary Genius: A Guide for the Poet Within. W. W. Norton & Company, 2009.
My Dreams Out in the Street: A Novel. Simon & Schuster, 2007.
What Is This Thing Called Love: Poems. W. W. Norton & Company, 2005.
Little Beauties. Simon and Schuster, 2005.
Co-editor. Dorothy Parker’s Elbow: Tattoos on Writers, Writers on Tattoos. Diane Publishing Company, 2002.
Tell Me. Rochester, NY. Boa Editions, 2000. National Book Award Finalist.
In the Box Called Pleasure. Fiction Collective 2, 1999.
The Poet’s Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry. W.W. Norton, 1997.
The Philosopher’s Club. Boa Editions, 1993.
Three West Coast Women (with Laurie Duesing and Dorianne Laux). Five Fingers Press, 1987.

Anders, Molly Jane
The City in the Middle of the Night. Tor Books; 1st Edition, 2019.

Anderson, Rebekah
The Grand Promise. Empty Bowl, 2022.

Arbib, Richard
The Vampire Girl in London. Highgate Books, 2016. Shelf Unbound Writing Competition winner. 
The Vampire Girl Next Door. Highgate Books, 2012. Readers Favorite Book Awards and Shelf Unbound Writing Competition winner.

Armantrout, Rae
Conjure Wesleyan University Press2020.
Entanglements, Wesleyan University Press,2018.
, Wesleyan University Press, 2018.
Yale Union, 2016.
Partly: New and Selected Poems
, Wesleyan University Press, 2016.
, Wesleyan University Press, 2015.
Just Saying, Wesleyan University Press, 2013.
Money Shot, Wesleyan University Press, 2011.
Versed, Wesleyan University Press, 2009, won a 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry and a 2009 National Book Critics Circle Award.
Next Life. Wesleyan University Press, 2007.
Nuovo Poesia American. Milan: Moldadori, 2005.
Up to Speed. Wesleyan University Press, 2004.
The Pretext. Green Integer Press, 2001.
Veil: New and Selected Poems. Wesleyan University Press, 2001.
A Royaumont: une anthologie de poesie contemporaine. Paris: Editions Creaphis, 2000.
True. Atelos Press, 1998.
Gertrude Stein Award for Innovative Poetry. Sun & Moon Press, 1995.
Made to Seem. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1995.
Necromance. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1991.
Couverture. Paris: Les Cahiers de Royaumont, 1991.
Precedence. Providence: Burning Deck, 1985.
The Invention of Hunger, The Tuumba Press, 1979.
Extremities. Great Barrington, MA: The Figures, 1978.

Atkinson, Laura
Contributor. Transfer Magazine. Associated Students Press SFSU. 2022. 

Au, Nancy
Spider Love Songs. Acre Books, 2019.
The Richmond. Catapult, 2018
The Word for Water. Michigan Quarterly Review, 2018
She is A Battleground. Lunch Ticket, 2018

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Banales, Meliza
Life is Wonderful, People are Terrific. Ladybox Books, 2015.
Say It with Your Whole Mouth. Monkey Press, 2003.
And I’ve Been Fighting Ever Since. Chula Press, 2002.
Scratching a Surface, Poemas Y Mas
, Chula Press, 2001.
Girl with the Glass Throat. Chula Press, 2001.

Banister, Michael
A Time Away from Time. Andrew Benzie Books, 2023.
The Starlight Commute. Andrew Benzie Books, 2023.

Barber, Stephani
Non-Eligible Respondent. Text Press, 2006.

Barron, Phillip
Who Has Not Wak'dMary Robinson and Cartesian Poetry. John Hopkins Press, 2018
Homeless Shelter. Chaffey Review, 2018

Bentley, Tom
Sticky Fingers, Confessions of a Marginally Repentant Shoplifter. The Write Word Publishing, 2022. 

Biederman, Guy
Translated from the Original: One-Inch Punch Fiction. Nomadic Press, 2022.
Nova Nights, Nomadic Press, 2021.
Edible Grace: lyrical micro prose. KYSO Flash, 2019
Soundings and Fathoms: stories and poems. Finishing Line Press, 2018.
House Samari. Iota Press, 2006. 
Parts and Labor: gardening and other stories. Thumbprint Press, 1993. 

Black, Ben P.
A Haunting. Wigleaf, 2022. Selected for 2022 Best Microfiction anthology. 

Brautigan, Ianthe
You Can’t Catch Death: A Daughter’s Memoir. St. Martin’s Press, 2000.
Please Plant This Book. The Head & Hand Press, 2018.
Chiron Review & Putzina Press, 2015. Foreword.

Breaux, Maria
Editor: The Forgotten Crip. Duane Fitzpatrick, 2023.

Brem, Marianne
In Its Own Time. Finishing Line Press, 2023.
Unsung Offerings. Finishing Line Press, 2021.
Sliver of Change. Finishing Line Press, 2020.

Brodsky, Nicole
Getting Word. 14 Hills Press, 1997. Michael Rubin Chapbook Award.

Bronson, Po
Top Dog: The Science of Winning and Losing. Twelve Books, 2013.
NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children. Twelve Books, 2009.
Why Do I Love These People?: Understanding, Surviving, and Creating Your Own Family. Random House, 2009
What Should I do with My Life?: The True Story of People Who Answered the Ultimate Question. Random House, 2002.
Men Seeking Women: Love and Sex Online (with Richard Dooling, Eric Garcia, Paul Hood, and others. AtRandom Press, 2001.
The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest. New York: Harper Perennial, 2000.
The Nudist on the Night Shift: And Other True Tales of Silicon Valley. Broadway Books, 2000.
Bombadiers. Penguin, 1995.

Brown, Brandon
Horace, Odes 1.25” and “E PODE 5.” Bay Area Poetics, ed. Stephanie Young. Faux Press, 2006.
The Good Life. Big Lucks, 2016
Top 40. Roof, 2014
Flowering Mall. Roof, 2012
The Poems of Gaius Valerius Catullus. Krupskaya, 2011
The Persians by Aeschylus. Displaced Press, 2011
Tooth Fairy. 2008.
Memoirs of my Nervous Illness, Cy Press, 2006

Bulbitz, Rachel
Ripped. Original Works Publishing, 2022.
Biz Town. Playscripts, 2022.
Burst, preformed at Alleyway Theater, 2022.
Blood & Sequins; A Prom Murder Mystery, preformed at Utica High School, 2022. 
The Book Women. Directed by Susan Fletcher, Stage Partners, 2021, The Main. 
The Night Witches. Directed by Alexandra Harbold, Dramatic Publishing, October 23, 2020. 
Of Serpents and Sea Spray. Directed by Ariel Craft, Stage Partners, 2021, The Custom Made Theater, New York. 
Holly, Jolly & Extra Folly. Stage Partners, 2021. 
Funny, Like an Abortion. Directed by Giovanna Sardelli, Potrero State, San Francisco, May 28th, 2022. 

Bullins, Ed
Ed Bullins: Twelve Plays and Selected Writings. University of Michigan Press, 2006.
New-Lost Plays by Ed Bullins: An Anthology. That New Pub Co, 1994.
Editor. The New Lafayette Theater Presents. Anchor, 1974.
The Reluctant Rapist. Harper and Row, 1973.
Four Dynamite Plays by Ed Bullins. William Morrow, 1972.
The Duplex. William Morrow, 1971.
The Hungered One. William Morrow, 1971.
The Electronic Nigger and Other Plays. Faber & Faber, 1970.
How Do You Do a Nonsense Drama? Illuminations Press, 1969.
New Plays from the Black Theater. Bantam, 1969.
Five Plays by Ed Bullins. Bobbs-Merrill, 1969.

Burke, Phyllis
Atomic Candy. Atlantic Monthly Press, 1989.
Gender Shock. Doubleday, 1996.
Family Values: A Lesbian Mother’s Fight for Her Son. Vintage, 1994..

Burket, Cheryl
Passing through 90 Degrees. 14 Hills Press, 2000. Michael Rubin Chapbook Award.
Children’s Stories. Standing Stones Press, 1999.
Behind the white. 
Poets & Poets, 1999.

Burns, Avery E. D.
Co-editor. 26: A Journal of Poetry and Poetics.
The Idler Wheel. Manifest Press, 2001.
A Dueling Primer. Second Story Press, 2000.
Ekistik Displays. a + bend press,
Curator. Canessa Park Reading Series, San Francisco.
Editor. lyric& (literary journal and press)

Buuck, David
Site City City. Futurepoem Books, 2015
An Army of Lovers. Co-written with Juliana Spahr. City Lights Publishers, 2013
The Shunt. Palm Press, 2009
Ruts. Taxt Press, 2006.
Up the Flagpoles. San Francisco: Melodeon Poetry Systems, 2001.

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Cariaga, Catalina
Cultural Evidence. Small Press Distribution, 1999.

Casey, Kirsten
Ex Vivo: Out of the Living Body. Hip Pocket Press, 2012.

Caspers, Nona
The Fifth Woman. Sarabande Books, 2018. Winner of the Mary McCarthy Prize in Short Fiction. 
Little Book of Days. Spuyten Duyvil, 2013.
Co-Editor. Lawfully Wedded Wives: Rethinking Marriage in the 21st Century. Triton Books. 2013
Heavier Than Air. University of Massachusetts Press, 2008.
2005 Grace Paley Award for Short Fiction.
The Blessed. Silverleaf Press, 1991.

Chai, May-lee
Tomorrow in Shanghai. Blair Books, 2022. 
Useful Phrases for Immigrants. Blair Books, 2018. Winner of the 2019 American Book Award, and the 2018 bakwin Award for Writing by a Woman. 
Training Days. Gemma Open Door, 2017. 
China A to Z. Plume, 2014.
Tiger Girl. Gemma Media, 2013. Winner of the 2014 Asian/Pacific American Award for Literature, and the Best Young Adult Novel from the Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association.
Dragon Chica. Gemma Media, 2010.
The Autobiography of Ba Jin. University of Indianapolis Press, 2008.
Happa Girl. Temple Universty Press, 2007. Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Bigotry and Human Rights Outstanding Book Award; Kiriyama Prize Notable Book Honorable Mention. 
Glamorous Asians. University of Indianapolis Press, 2004. 
The Girl From Purple Mountian. St. Martin's Griffin, 2002.
My Lucky Face. Soho Press, 1997.

Charman, Christopher
Alex and Dog Go Hunting. Ragnarok Publishing, 2017.

Chee, Traci
We Are Not Free. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2020.
The Storyteller. Penguin House, 2018.
The Speaker. Penguin House, 2017.
The Reader. Penguin House, 2016.

Cheng, Jennifer S.
Moon: Letters, Maps, Poems. Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2018.
House A. Omnidawn Publishing, 2016.
Invocation: An Essay. New Michigan Press, 2011.

Coley, Lara
Ex Traction. Button Poetry, 2023.

Coovelis, Mark
Gloria. Washington Square Press, 2002.

Coshnear, Dan
Separation Anxiety. Unsolicited Press, 2021.
Homesick Redux. Fiction Fix, 2015
Occupy & Other Love Stories. Kelly’s Cove Press, 2014
95 Percent Naked: Fictions and Nonfictions. Woodrunner Chapbooks, 2010
Jobs and Other Preoccupations. Helicon Nine Editions, 2002.
2002 Willa Cather Award.
2003 Bay Area Book Award.

Coulton, Valerie
Small bed & field guide. Above/Ground Press, 2017
Open book. Apogee Press, 2011
The Cellar Dreamer. Apogee Press, 2007
The Lily Book. San Francisco: 14 Hills Press, 2004. Michael Rubin Chapbook Award.
Passing World Pictures. Apogee Press, 2003.

Cox, Sarah Anne
Super Undone Blue. Dusie, 2016
Parcel. O Books, 2006
Arrival. Krupskaya Press, 2002.
definite article. a + press.
Home of Grammar. Double Lucy Books, 1997.

Cross, Jennifer
Write to Restore: A Step-By-Step Creative Writing Journal for Survivors of Sexual Trauma. Mango Media, 2020.
Writing Ourselves Whole: Using the Power of Our Own Creativity to Recover and Heal from Sexual Trauma. Mango Media, 2017.

Cullen, Lisa
Parallax Press, 1998.
Dancing with DKT3. Wired, 1995.

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Daniels, Kelly
A Candle for San Simon. Owl Canyon Press, 2020.

Davison, Matthew
Doubting Thomas. Amble Press, 2021.

Dawid, Annie
Paradise Undone: A Novel of Jonestown. Inkspot Publishing. 2023 Cinematic Novel Contest from Screencraft Grand Prize Winner.
Put Off my Sackcloth: Essays. Humble Essayist Press, 2021. Finalist in the International Rubery Award. 
Anatomie of the World. Finishing Line Press, 2017.
And Darkness was Under His Feet: Stories of a Family. BookSurge Publishing, 2009
Lily of the Desert: Short Stories. Carnegie-Mellon University Press, 2001.
York Ferry. Cane Hill Press, 1992.

Day, Lucille Lan
The Rainbow Zoon. Scarlet Tanager Books, 2016
Married At Fourteen. Heyday Books, 2012
SEEK: Science, Exploration, Excitement and Knowledge. Children’s Hospital Oakland, 2010
The Book of Answers. Finishing Line Press, 2006
Chain Letter. Heyday Books, 2005

DeAndreis, Emil
Hard to Grip. Shaffner Press, 2017.
Beyond Folly. Blue Cubicle Press, LLC, 2013.

Delgado Lopera, Juliana
Fiebre Tropical. Amethyst Edditions, 2020.
Quiereme. Noamdic Press, 2017.

Dennersteain, Natasha
Broken. Be About It Press, 2021.
Turn and Face the Strange. Norfolk Press, 2019.
Seahorse. Nomadic Press, 2018.
Triptych Caliform. Black Lawrence Press, 2017.
About a Girl: a Novella in Verse. Norfolk Press, 2016. 
Anatomize. Norfolk Press, 2015.

Dillon, Millicent
A Version of Love. W. W. Norton, 2003.
Harry Gold. Overlook Press, 2000.
You Are Not I: A Portrait of Paul Bowles. University of California Press, 2000.
A Little Original Sin: Life and Work of Jane Bowles. University of California Press, 1998.
Editor. The Portable Paul and Jane Bowles. Viking Portable Library, 1994.
The Dance of the Mothers. Dutton, 1991.
After Egypt: Isadora Duncan and Mary Cassatt. Dutton, 1990.
Co-editor. Out of the World: Selected Letters of Jane Bowles, 1935-1970 (with Jane Auer Bowles). Black Sparrow Press, 1984.
The One in the Back Is Mine. Viking Adult, 1973.
The One in the Back is Medea. Viking, 1973.
Baby Perpetua and Other Stories. Viking Adult, 1971.

Downing, Brandon
Mellow Actions. Fence Books, 2012.
At Me. Octopus Books, 2011.
Lake Antiquity. Fence Books, 2009.
The Shirt Weapon. Germ Monographs, 2002.
Dark Brandon. Faux Press, 2005.

Duncan, Aja Couchois
Contributor. Endangered Species, Enduring Values. Pease Press, 2018
Restless Continent. Litmus Press, 2016.

Dykewomon, Elana
Risk. Bywater Books, 2009.
Jim Duggins Mid-Career Novelists’ Prize 2009.
Moon Creek Road. Spinster’s Ink Books, 2003.
Beyond the Pale. Rain Coast Books, 1997.
1998 Lambda Award; Ferro-Grumley Award.
Nothing Will Be as Sweet as the Taste: Selected Poems. Onlywomen Press, 1995.
Riverfinger Women. Naiad Press, 1992. Awarded the Lee Lynch Classic Award in 2018.
They Will Know Me By My Teeth: Stories and Poems of Lesbian Struggle, Celebration, and Survival. Megaera Press, 1976.

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Ebashi, Ai
Janus. Exit Theatre, 2018.
The Tale of Lady Murasaki. Piano Fight, 2018.

Ehret, Terry
Translator. Palgios. Plagarisms. Sixteen Rivers Press, 2020
Co-Author. The Place That Inhabits Us: Poems from the San Francisco Bay Watershed. Sixteen Rivers Press, 2016.
Night Sky Journey: Poems. Kelly’s Cove Press, 2013.
Lucky Break. Sixteen Rivers Press, 2008
Translations from the Human Language. Sixteen Rivers Press, 2001.
Lost Body. Copper Canyon Press, 1993
Suspensions. White Mountain Press, 1990

Eliahu, Shoshana
The Sand Soldiers. Eloquent Books, 2010. 

Escobar, Trinidad
All These Years. Abram's Drawing Power, 2021.

Espinosa, Maria
Suburban Souls. Tailwinds Press Enterprises, 2020
Dying Unfinised. Wings Press, 2009.
Incognito: Journal of a Secret Jew. Wings Press, 2002.
Longing. Arte Público Press, 1995.
Dark Plums. Arte Público Press, 1995.
Translator. Leila. Indiana University Press, 1978.

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Fangary, Antony
Haram-Poems and Prayers. Etched Press, 2018. 

Ficarra, Elise
Swelter. 14 Hills Press, 2005. Michael Rubin Chapbook Award.

Flood, Stacy D.
The Salt Fields: A Novella. Lanternfish Press, 2021

Flores, Paul S.
Along the Border Lies. Creative Arts Books, 2001.

Frank, Diane
While Listening to the Enigma Variations: New and Selected Poems. Glass Lyre Press, 2021. Next Generation Indie Book Award for Poetry, 2022.
Fog and Light: San Francisco Through the Eyes of the Poets Who Live Here. Blue Light Press, 2021.
Canon for Bears and Ponderosa Pines. Glass Lyre Press, 2019
Letters from a Sacred Mountain Place: A Journey through the Nepal Himalayas. Nirala Publications, 2018
Yoga of the Impossible.1st World Publishing, 2014
Swan Light. 1st World Publishing, 2013.
Entering the Word Temple. 1st World Publishing, 2005.

Fujimura, Steve
Sad Asian Music. Finishing Line Press, 2022. 

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Gaboury, Keith Mark
The Cosmos is Alive. Kelsay Books, 2023. 
The Boy Bork with a Pinhole Heart. Finishing Line Press, 2022. 

Gach, Gary
Pause, Breathe, Smile: Awakening Mindfulness When Meditation is Not Enough. Sounds True, 2018.
Co-translator. Songs for Tomorrow by Ko Un. Green Integer, 2007.
Co-translator. Ten Thousand Lives by Ko Un (introduction by Robert Hass). Green
Integer, 2005.
Editor. What Book!? ~ Buddha Poems from Beat to Hiphop. Parallax Press, 1998 (American Book Award). Every Writer's Essential Guide to Online Resources and Opportunities. Prima Books, 1997.
The Pocket Guide to the Internet. Pocket Books. 1996.
Preparing the Ground: Poems 1960-1970. (Illustrations by Brett Rohmer). Heirs, International, 1970.

Gagnon, Jerome
Rumors of Wisdom. Concrete Wolf, 2019. Louis Award winner. 

Gaines, Ernest J
The Tragedy of Brady Sims. Vintage Contemporaries, 2017
My Grandpa and the Haint (1966). Vintage , 2015
A Long Day in November (1971). Lizzie Skurnick Books, 2013.
Wide Awake in the Pelican State: Stories by Contemporary Louisiana Writers. Ernest Gaines Interviewed by Ann Brewster Dobie. Louisiana State University Press, 2006.
Mozart and Leadbelly: Stories and Essays. Ed. Marcia Gaudet and Reggie Young. Alfred Knopf, 2005.
Conversations with Ernest Gaines. John Lowe. Literary Conversations Series, University Press of Mississippi, 1995.
The Sky is Gray (1963). Creative Co, 1995
A Lesson before Dying. Alfred Knopf, 1993.
A Gathering of Old Men. Alfred Knopf, 1983.
In My Father’s House. Alfred Knopf, 1978.
The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. Dial Press, 1971.
Bloodline: Five Stories (1968). New York: Vintage Contemporaries, 1997 (reprint).
Of Love and Dust. Dial Press, 1967
Catherine Carmier. Atheneum, 1964.

Gallowglas, Todd M.
First Chosen. Wordfire Press, 2017.

Gander, Forrest
Twice Alive. New Directions, 2021.
Translator. The Galloping Hour: French Poems. New Directions, 2018
Be With. New Directions, 2018. Winner of the 2019 Pulitzer Prize in Poetry
Translator. Then Come Back: The Lost Neruda Poems. Copper Canyon Press, 2016.
The Trace. New Directions, 2014.
Co-editor. Pinholes in the Night: Essential Poems from Latin America. Copper Canyon Press, 2014.
Panic Cure: Poetry from Spain for the 21st Century. Otis Books/Seismicity Edition, 2014.
Eiko and Koma. New Directions, 2013.
Redstart: An Ecological Poetics. University of Iowa Press, 2012.
Core Samples from the World. New Directions, 2011.
As a Friend. New Directions, 2008.
Editor. Connecting Lines: New Poetry from Mexico (with Luis Cortex Bargallo). Sarabande Books, 2006.
A Faithful Existence: Reading, Memory, and Transcendence. Shoemaker and Hoard, 2005.
Eye Against Eye. New Directions, 2005. Photographs by Sally Mann.
The Blue Rock Collection (with Rikki Ducornet). Salt Publications, 2004.
Imminent Visitor: Selected Poems of Jaime Saenz. University of California Press, 2002.
Editor and Co-translator. No Shelter: Selected Poems of Pura Lopez-Colome (with the author). Graywolf Press, 2002.
Torn Awake. New Directions, 2001.
Science and Steepleflower. New Directions, 1998.
Deeds of Utmost Kindness. Wesleyan University Press, 1994.
Lynchburg. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1993.
Editor and co-translator. Mouth to Mouth: Poems by Twelve Contemporary Mexican Women (with Ken Johnson). Milkweed Editions, 1993.
Eggplants and Lotus Root. Burning Deck, 1991.
Rush to the Lake. Alice James Books, 1988.

Gilbert, Kelly Loy
When We Were Infinite. Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2021.
Picuture Us in the Light. Disney-Hyperion, 2018.
Conviction. Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, 2015.

Giles, Molly
All the Wrong Places. Lost Horse Press, 2015.
Three for the Road. Shebooks, 2014.
Bothered. Split Oak Press, 2013.
Iron Shoes. Simon and Schuster, 2000.
Creek Walk and Other Stories. Scribner and Company, 1998.
Rough Translations. University of Georgia Press, 1993. Flannery O’Connor Award for fiction.

Glück, Robert
Communal Nude: Collected Essays. Semiotext(e), 2016.
Denny Smith Stories. Clear Cut Press, 2004.
Ed. Biting the Error: Writers Explore Narrative (with Mary Berger, Camille Roy, and Gail Scott). Toronto: Coach House Press, 2004.
Bottoms Up: Writing about Sex. Ed. Diana Cage.  Soft Skull Press, 2004.
Jack The Modernist. Serpent’s Tail / High Risk Books, 1995.
Margery Kempe. Serpent’s Tail / High Risk books, 1994.
Contributor. Personal Dispatchers: Writers Confront AIDS. St. Martin’s Press, 1989.
Reader. Lapis Press, 1989.
Ed. Saturday Afternoon: An Anthology of Older Writers. Small Press Distribution, 1986.
Elements of a Coffee Service. Grey Fox Press, 1983.
From I, BOOMBOX and “Architecture as Fate.”
Family Poems. Black Star Series, 1979.
Andy. Panjandrum Press, 1973.

Going, Dale
Leaves from a Gradual. Poets & Poets Press, 2001.
The View They Arrange
. Kelsey Street Press, 1994.
Everything Is Real Except the Obvious. EM Press, 1992.
She Pushes with her Hands. EM Press, 1992.
Or Less. Em Press, 1991.
As/Of The Whole. San Francisco State University, 1990.

Gradley, Marcus
A Wolf in Snakeskin Shoes. Methuen Drama. 2015 
The House That Will Not Stand. Methuen Drama. 2014.
Facing Our Truth: 10 Minute Plays on Trayvon, Race, and Privilege. Samuel French, 2013
...And Jesus Moonwalks the Mississippi. Bloomsbury Publishing Pls, 2007

Graham, Toni
The Suicide Club. University Georgia Press, 2015.
Waiting for Elvis. Leapfrog Press, 2005.
The Daiquiri Girls. University of Massachusetts Press, 1998.

Gregg, Linda
All of it Singing: New And Selected Poems. Graywolf Press, 2008.
In the Middle Distance. Graywolf Press, 2006
Too Bright to See & Alma: Poems. Graywolf Press, 2001
Things and Flesh. Graywolf Press, 1999.
Chosen by the Lion. Graywolf Press, 1995.
The Sacraments of Desire: Poems. Graywolf Press, 1992.
Too Bright to See. Graywolf Press, 1987.
Alma: Poems. Random House, 1985.

Greyja, Jacq
Greater Grave. The Operating System, 2018

Griggs, Rosemary
Mammary Lane: A Sketchbook of Breast Cancer Survival. Self-published, 2014.
Sky Girl. Fence Books, 2003. Alberta Prize for poetry, 2003.

Gunawan, Edward
The Way Back. Foglifter Press, 2022. Winner of the 2022 Start a Riot! Chapbook Prize.

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Han, Stephanie
Swimming in Hong Kong. Willow Spring Books, 2017. Paterson Fiction Prize Winner; AWP and Spokane Prize Finalist; Asian Books Blog Shortlist.
Contributor. Twenty-Two New Asian Short Stories. Silverfish Books, 2016.
Contributor. How Does One Dress to Buy Dragonfruit? True Stories of Expat Women in Asia. Signal 8 Press, 2014.
Contributor. The Queen of Statue Square: New Short Fiction from Hong Kong. Critical, Cultural & Communication Press, 2014.
L.A. (Lovers Anonymous). LALA Press, 1995.

Harris, Joshua A.H. 
Unorthodoxy. Atmosphere Press, 2019. 

Harris, Philip
Flowers in My Mother's Name. Nomadic Press, 2017.

Heady, Sarah
Corduroy Road. dancing girl press, 2021.
Eight-track Underwater. Splitleaves Press, 2010.
Cygnet. _Catch/Confetti Press. 2009

Hernández-Linares, Leticia
Mucha Muchacha, Too Much Girl. Tia Chucha, 2017.

Heron, Dustin
Paradise Stories. Small Desk Press, 2007.

Hoffman, Coby
Desert Stories. 14 Hills Press, 2001. Michael Rubin Chapbook Award.

Holeton, Richard
Figurski at Findhorn on Acid, Electronic Literature Lab (Washington State U), 2021, and Eastgate Systems, 2001.
Composing Cyberspace: Identity, Community, and Knowledge in the Electronic Age (McGraw-Hil), 1998.
Encountering Cultures: Reading and Writing in a Changing World (Blair Press/PrenticeHall), 1995, 1992.

Hollander, Benjamin
The Letters of Carla, the Letter B: A Mystery in Poetry. Chax Press, 2017.
In the House Un-American. Clockroot Books, 2013.
Memoir American. Punctum Books, 2013.
Vigilance. Beyond Baroque Foundation, 2005.
Rituals of Truce and the Other Israeli. Parrhesia Press No. 1 / Listening Chamber, 2004.
Levinas and the Police. Chax Press, 2001.
The Book of Who Are Was. Sun & Moon Press, 1997.
Translating Tradition: Paul Celan and France. Small Press Distribution, 1988.

Holler, David
Editor. Parthenon West Review. 2004.

Holmes, Annie
Two if by Sea. 14 Hills Press, 2006. Michael Rubin Chapbook Award.

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Ida, Flavia
The Last Speck of the World. Paper Angel Press, 2019.
Children of the Wrong Time.Paper Angel Press, 2017.
Mercy. Paper Angel Press, 2017
The Names of Heaven. Paper Angel Press, 2014.
The Iron and The Loom. Paper Angel Press, 2013.

Iribarne, Matthew
Astronauts: and Other Stories. Simon and Schuster, 2001.
Anything Can Happen. 14 Hills Press, 1995. Michael Rubin Chapbook Award.

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Jackson, Stacy Nathanial
Camouflage. MaCaHu Press, 2010.

Jasson-Holt, Sophie
Unfold the Chaparral. 14 Hills Press, 1997.

Jeffra, Miah
Home is Where You Queer Your Heart. Co-Author, Arisa White. Foglifter Press, 2021.
The Violence Almanac. Black Laurence Press, 2021.
The Fabulous Ekphrastic Fantastic!: Essays. Sibling Rivalry Press, LLC, 2020.
The First Church of What's Happening. Nomadic Press, 2017.

Johnson, Honor
Walkers. Norton Coker Press, 1996.
Baitor & Dorinda (with Edward Mycue). 1994.
Small as a Resurrection. Lost Roads Press, 1983.
Herbal Poems. Heyeck Press, 1980.

Johnson, Roxane Beth
Black Crow Dress. Alice James Books, 2013.
Jubilee. Anhinga Press, 2006.
2005 Philip Levine Prize for Poetry.

Jost, Nicole
The Cure. San Francisco Playhouse, 2017.
The Terror Fantastic. 20% Theater Company, 2017.
Sucia. Greenhouse, SFSU 2018.

Juanita, Judy
The High Price of Freeways. Livingston Press, 2022. 
Manhattan my ass, you're in Oakland. Equidistance Press, 2020.
The Black Experience in Four Genres: A Handbook. EquiDistance Press, 2019. 
Homage to the Black Arts Movement: A Handbook. EquiDistance Press, 2018. 
Oakland Noir (Akashic Noir). Akashic Books, 2017. 
De Facto Feminism: Essays Straight Outta Oakland. EquiDistance Press, 2016. 
Virginia Soul. Viking, 2013. 

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Kaliss, Jeff
I Want To Take You Higher: The Life and Times of Sly & The Family Stone. Blackbeat Books, 2008.

Kaufman, Shirley
Ezekiel’s Wheels. Copper Canyon Press, 2009.
Threshold. Copper Canyon Press, 2003.
Translator. Wieselteir, Meir.
The Flower of Anarchy: Selected Poems. University of California Press, 2003.
Co-editor. The Defiant Muse: Hebrew Feminist Poems from Antiquity: A Bilingual Anthology. Feminist Press of CUNY, 1999.
Roots in the Air: New & Selected Poems. Port Townsend: Copper Canyon Press, 1996.
Rivers of Salt. Copper Canyon Press, 1993.
Translator. Kovner, Abba.
My Little Sister and Selected Poems, 1965-1985. Oberlin College Press, 1986.
Translator. Herzberg, Judith. But What: Selected Poems. Oberlin College Press, 1984.
Claims: A Poem. Sheep Meadow Press, 1984.
From One Life to Another. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1979.
Gold Country. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1973.
The Floor Keeps Turning. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1970.

Kim, Geraldine
Things I’d Let You Do To Me. Recreation League, 2015.
No Face, Just Boobs. Aggregate Space Gallery, 2015.
Povel. Fence Books, 2005.
2004 Alberta Award.

Kittredge, Susanna
The Future Has a Reputation. CW Books, 2020.

Koepf, Michael
The Fisherman's Son. Broadway Books, Random House, 1998
Icarus. Athenaeum, 1988.
Save The Whale. McGraw Hill, 1978.

Kriegel, Marilyn
Harm's Way. 2018
Athena the Musical. 2012

Krost, Molly Cecil Olis
This is Not Yours. MaArte Theater Collective, 2018
Diktador. SoMarts Center, 2018.
Ube. {m}aganda magazine, 2018.
After Hubris. Berkeley Rep, 2018.

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Lacek, JC
Jazz Legend. Scout Comics, 2018 

Landers, Scott
Coswell’s Guide to Tambralinga: A Novel. Farrar Straus, 2004.

Lau, Carolyn
Wode Shuofa (My Way of Speaking). Tooth of Time Books, 1989. 1988 American Book Award.

Lanzendorfer, Joy
Right Back Where We Started From. Blackstone Publishing, 2021.

Littman, Ali
Radio Underground. Last Syllable Books, 2018.

Lohmann, Jeanne
Autumn in the Fields of Language: Poems. Daniel & Daniel Publishers, 2016.
In Parallel Light: A Prose Collection. Daniel & Daniel Publishers, 2015.
Home Ground. Daniel & Daniel Publishers, 2013.
As If Words. Fithian Press, 2012.
Shaking the Tree: New and Selected Poems. Fithian Press, 2010.
Calls from a Lighted House: Poems. Daniel & Daniel Publishers, 2007.
Anthologies: The Gift of Experience. Atlanta Review Press, 2005.
Dancing in the Kitchen. McKinleyville, CA: Fithian, 2005
Proposing on the Brooklyn Bridge: Poems about Marriage. Grayson Books, 2003.
The Light of Invisible Bodies.  McKinleyville, CA: 2003.
Fresh Water: Poems from the Rivers
, Lakes and Streams. Pudding House, 2002.
Flying Horses. Fithian, 2001.
Grrrr. Arctos Press, 2000.
Anthology of Magazine Verse/Yearbook of American Poetry1990.
Wild Song. University of Georgia Press, 1998.
This Practice of Peace. Sherman Asher, 1998.
Granite Under Water. Fithian, 1996.
Between Silence and Answer. Pendle Hill, 1994.
A Small Box of Poets. Protean Press, 1994.
“Nothing so Wise” and “Lady on a Bus.” Cries of the Spirit. Beacon Press: 1991.
The Heart of the Flower. Chicory Blue, 1991.
Passages North: Ten-Year Anthology. Milkweed Editions, 1990.
Only Morning in Her Shoes. Utah State University Press, 1990.
Gathering a Life. McKinleyville, CA: John Daniel, 1989.
Her Soul Beneath the Bone. University of Illinois Press, 1988.
Anthology of Magazine Verse/Yearbook of American Poetry, 1988.
Anthology of Magazine Verse/Yearbook of American Poetry, 1987.
Prayers to Protest. Pudding House, 1987.
Anthology of Magazine Verse/Yearbook of American Poetry, 1986.

Lok, Mimi
Last of Her Name. Kaya Press, 2019.
Editor: Voices of Witness, winner of the Edward O'Brien for Arts Eduction.

Lomax, Dana Teen
Editor: THE BEAUTIFUL: Poets Reimagine a Nation. Gualala Arts Publishing, 2022. 
The-In-Between. Dusie, 2019.
Disclosure. Skald, 2009.
Co-editor. Letters to Poets. Saturnalia Books, 2008.
Currency. Palm Press, 2006. From WE/. Bay Area Poetics, ed. Stephanie Young. Faux Press, 2006.
Room. Davis, CA: a+bend Press, 1999.

Lowitz, Leza
Up From the Sea. Crown Books for Young Readers, 2016.
Here Comes the Sun: A Journey to Adoption in 8 Chakras. Stone Bridge Press, 2015.
Jet Black and the Ninja Wind. Tuttle Publishing, 2013.
Yoga Heart: Lines on the Six Perfections. Stone Bridge Press, 2011.
Translator. America and Other Poems by Ayukawa Nobuo. Kaya Press, 2007.
Translator. Inside and Other Short Fiction: Japanese Women by Japanese Women. Kodansha International, 2006.
Yoga: Poems Pour L'Eveil. Editions de L'Eveil, 2006.
Cloud View Poets: Master Classes with David St. John. Arctos Press, 2005.
Yoga Poems. Doyobijutsukan, 2005.
Translator. The Poetry of Men's Lives: An International Anthology. University of Georgia Press, 2004.
If Women Ruled the World. Inner Ocean, 2004.
Comfort Prayers. Andrews McMeel, 2004.
Erotic Haiku. Yahan, 2004.
Designing with Kanji: Japanese Character Motifs for Surface, Skin & Spirit. Stone Bridge Press, 2004.
The Poem Behind The Poem: Translating Asian Literature. Copper Canyon Press, 2004.
Green Tea to Go: Stories from Tokyo. Printed Matter Press, 2003; reprint 2006.
100 Aspects of the Moon: Poems. Printed Matter Press, 2003.
100 Poets Against the War. Salt Press, 2003.
Translation. A Chorus For Peace. University of Iowa Press, 2002.
EXPAT: Women's True Tales of Life Abroad. Seal Press, 2002.
Editor. MANOA JOURNAL--Silence to Light: Japan and the Shadows of War. University of Hawaii Press, 2001.
Awaiting a Lover. Viking Penguin, 2001.
RUNES: An Anthology. Arctos Press, 2000.
Translator. It’s a Woman's World: A Century of Women’s Voices in Poetry. Dutton, 2000.
GRRR: A Collection of Poems About Bears. Arctos Press, 2000.
Editor. MANOA JOURNAL--Towards A Literature of the Periphery. University of Hawaii Press, 1988.
The Broken Bridge. Berkeley: Stone Bridge Press, 1998.
An Inn Near Kyoto. New Rivers Press, 1998.
Old Ways to Fold New Paper. Wandering Mind, 1997.
Translator. Violet Obsession: Poems by Yayoi Kusama. Wandering Mind, 1997.
Beautiful Japan: A Souvenir. Charles E. Tuttle, 1996.
Editor, co-translator. A Long Rainy Season: Contemporary Japanese Women's Poetry, Volume I. Stone Bridge Press, 1995.
Editor, co-translator. Other Side River: Contemporary Japanese Women's Poetry, Volume II. Stone Bridge Press, 1995.
Translator. Japan: Spirit and Form by Shuichi Kato. Charles E. Tuttle, 1994.

Lungerhausen, Nicole
Contributor. "Urgent: Lost Bekip." The Best of Abyss & Apex,  2021.

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MacKenzie, Lily Iona
Freefall: A Divine Comedy. Pen-L Publishing, 2019.
Cura Peligrosa. Regal Publishing House, 2017.
Fling! Pen-L Publishing, 2015.

Madden, David
Voice of James M. Cain: An Innovative Biography. Lyons Press, 2020. 

Major, Devorah
And then we became. City Lights Publisher, 2016.
Co-author. Verdinia Amour. The Literary Leaf of Deconstructed Press, 2009.
Editor. The Other Side of the Postcard. City Lights Foundation Books, 2005.
With More Than Tongue. Creative Arts, 2003.
Where River Meets Ocean. City Lights Foundation Books, 2003.
Brown Glass Windows. Willimantic, CT: Curbstone Press, 2002.
Street Smarts. Curbstone Press, 1996. PEN Oakland Josephine Miles Award for Excellence in Literature.
Rosa Parks: Freedom Fighter. Don Johnston, 1999.
Co-author. Frederick Douglass: A Hero for All Time. Don Johnston, 1999.
Secrets Put Inside My Soul. San Francisco Fine Arts Museums, 1995.
An Open Weave. Seal Press, 1995. Black Caucus of ALA First Novelist Award.
Editor (with Jorge Argueta). Who Has Looked in Your Mirror? An Anthology of Poems from Poets in the Galleries. San Francisco Fine Arts Museums, 1994.
Traveling Women (with Opal Palmer Adisa). Jukebox Press, 1989.

Mandelman, Avner
The Debba. Other Press, 2010.
The Sleuth Investor: Uncover the Best Stocks Before They Make Their Move. McGraw-Hill Education, 2007.
Talking to the Enemy: Stories. Seven Stories Press, 2006. Jewish Book Award (Canada), I. J. Siegal Award for fiction, New York Times Editor’s Choice.
Cuckoo. Oberon Press, 2003.
Pity.” The Best American Short Stories 1995. Ed. Jane Smiley and Katrina Kenison. Houghton Mifflin, 1995.

Mangold, Sarah
Giraffes of Devotion. Kore Press, 2016.
Electrical Theories of Femininity. Black Radish Books, 2015.
I Meant To Be Transparent. LRL e-editions, 2012.
An Antenna Called the Body. LRL textile series/Dawn Pendergast, 2011.
Bird Dog 9. Bird Dog, 2008.
Parlor. Dusie Chapbook Collective, 2007
Picture of the Basket. Dusie Press Books, 2006
Boxer Rebellion. Gong press, 2004
Household Mechanics. New Issues Poetry Press, 2002. Kalamazoo, MI New Issues Poetry Prize, selected by C.D. Wright.
Blood Substitutes. Elmwood, CT: Potes & Poets Press, 1998.

Marlis, Stefanie
Cloudlife. Apogee Press, 2005.
Fine. Apogee Press, 2000.
Rife. Sarabande, 1998.
Co-editor. Art of the Bath (with Sara Slavin). Diane Publishing Company, 1997.
Sheet of Glass. Floating Island, 1994.
Slow Joy. University of Wisconsin Press, 1989. Brittingham Prize.
Red Tools. Dooryard Press, 1984.

Marron, Asher
“Unbind(ing).” Conviction 2 Change, 2018.

Mayes, Frances
Always Italy. National Geographic Society, 2020.
See You in the Piazza: New Places to Discover in Italy. Crown Publishing Group, 2019.
Women in Sunlight. Books on Tape, 2018.
Under Magnolia: A Southern Memoir. Crown Publishing Group, 2014
The Tuscan Sun Cookbook: Recipes from Our Italian Kitchen. Clarkson Potter, 2012.
Greek Expectations: The Adventures of Fearless Fran in the Land of the Gods. AuthorHouse, 2008
Notecards: Under the Tuscan Sun. Chronicle Books, 2007.
A Year in the World: Journeys of a Passionate Traveler. Broadway Books, 2006.
Shrines: Images of Italian Worship (with photographer Steven Rothfeld). Doubleday, 2006.
Bringing Tuscany Home. Conran Octopus, Ltd., 2005.
Bringing Tuscany Home: Sensuous Style from the Heart of Italy (with Edward Mayes). Broadway Books, 2004.
Swan: A Novel. Broadway Books, 2002.
Editor, The Best American Travel Writing 2002 (with Jason Wilson). Houghton-Mifflin, 2002.
Editor, The Discovery of Poetry: A Field Guide to Reading and Writing. Harvest Books, 2001.
In Tuscany. Broadway Books, 2000.
Bella Tuscany: The Sweet Life in Italy. Broadway Books, 2000.
Under the Tuscan Sun: At Home in Italy. Broadway Books, 1996.
Ex Voto. Lost Roads Publisher, 1995.
Acquíl: Gold over Blue. Heyeck Press, 1984.
Hours. Lost Roads Publisher, 1984.
The Arts of Fire. Heyeck Press, 1982.
After Such Pleasures. Seven Woods Press, 1979.
January 6, Quartet of Four. Illustrated by Wayne Johnson. The Flowering Quince Poetry Series, Number One. Heyeck Press, 1978.
Peach and Glass: On a Still Life by Georgia O’Keeffe. Heyeck Press, 1977.

McClure, Michael
Plum Stones / Cartoons of No Heaven. O Books, 2002.
Rain Mirror: New Poems. New Directions, 1999.
Huge Dreams: San Francisco and Beat Poetry. Penguin, 1999.
Touching the Edge. Shamballa, 1999.
General Gorgeous. Dramatist’s Play Service, 1998.
The Beat Generation: Galleries and Beyond (with Rebecca Soltnit, Jack Foley, Seymour Howard, and John Natsoulas). John Natsoulas Press, 1996.
The Mad Cub. Foxrock Books, 1995. Book of the Month Club selection.
Three Poems: Dolphin Skull, Rare Angel, and Dark Brown. Penguin, 1995.
Simple Eyes and Other Poems. New Directions, 1994.
Scratching the Beat Surface: Essays on New Vision from Blake to Kerouac. Penguin, 1994.
Lighting the Corners: On Art, Nature, and the Visionary: Essays and Interviews. University of New Mexico College of Arts, 1993.
Rebel Lions. New Directions, 1991.
Michael McClure: Selected Poems. New Directions, 1986.
The Beard and Vktms: Two Plays by Michael McClure. Grove Press, 1985.
Hymn to St. Geryon and Dark Brown. Grey Fox Press, 1979.
Antechamber and Other Poems. New Directions, 1979.
The Grabbing of the Fairy: A Masque. Truck Press, 1978
Fragments of Perseus. Jordan Davies, 1978.
Josephine the Mouse Singer. W. W. Norton, 1976.
Jaguar Skies. New Directions, 1975.
September Blackberries. New Directions, 1974.
Rare Angel (Writ with Raven’s Blood). Black Sparrow Press, 1974.
A Fist Full: Poems 1956-1957. Black Sparrow Press, 1974.
Solstice Blossom. Berkeley: Arif Press, 1973.
Gargoyle Cartoons: A Collection of Plays. Delacorte Press, 1971.
The Adept. Small Press Distribution, 1971.
The Cherub. Black Sparrow Press, 1970.
Poetry Star. Grove Press, 1970.
Little Odes & Raptors: Poems and a Play. Black Sparrow Press, 1969.
Plane Pomes. Phoenix Book Shop, 1969.
The Blossom, Or Billy the Kid: A Play. Great Lake Books, 1967.
Ghost Tantras. City Lights, 1967.
The Beard: A Play. Grove Press, 1967.
Poison Wheat. City Lights, 1966.
Meat Science Essays. City Lights, 1963.
The New Book / A Book of Torture. Grove Press, 1961.
For Artaud. Totem Press, 1959.

McFerrin, Linda Watanabe
Navigating the Divide: Poetry Prose. Santa Fe Writer’s Project, 2019.
Wandering in Costa Rica: Landscapes Lost and Found. Wanderland Writers, 2017.
Co-editor. Wandering in Andalusia: The Soul in Southern Spain. Wanderland Writers, 2016.
Contributor. Wandering in Paris: Luminaries and Love in the City of Light. Wanderland Writers, 2013.
Contributor. Floating through France: Life Between Locks on the Canal du Midi. Writer’s Workshops International, 2011
Contributor. Wild Writing Women: Stories of World Travel. Globe Pequot, 2001.
Dead Love. Stone Bridge Press, 2010.
Best Places in Northern California: Restaurants, Lodging, Touring. Sasquatch Books, 2001. Hand of Buddha. Coffee House Press, 2000.
Namako: Sea Cucumber. Coffee House Press, 1998.
Redemption Is Something We Haven’t Figured On. Berkeley Poets’ Workshop and Press, 1990.
The Impossibility of Redemption Was Something We Hadn’t Figured on. Berkeley Poets Workshop, 1990.

McPherson, Brydie
From “Shack.” Bay Area Poetics, ed. Stephanie Young. Faux Press, 2006.

McPherson, Jayne
Orphan at the Well. Visigraf/ Spaceframe Press, 2017.

Melo, Richard
Happy Talk. Red Lemonade, 2013.
Jokerman 8. Soft Skull Press, 2004.

Michener, Marian
Dreaming Under a Ton of Lizards. Spinsters Ink, 2000.
Three Glasses of Wine Have Been Removed from This Story: A Novel. Silverleaf Press, 1988.

Mirosevich, Toni
Contributor. Shadowed – Unheard Voices. Press at California State University, Fresno, 2014.
The Takeaway Bin. Spuyten Duyvil, 2010.
Pink Harvest: Tales of Happenstance. Mid-List Press, 2007.
Tilting. Mid-List Press, 2007. 2006 First Series Award in Creative Non-Fiction.
My Oblique Strategies. Thorngate Road Press, 2006.
2005 winner of the Frank O’Hara Award.
Queer Street. Custom Words, 2005.
The Rooms We Make Our Own. Firebrand Books, 2003.
Trio (with Ed Smallfield and Charlotte Muse). Specter Press, 1995.

Morrison, Yedda
Contributor. Tripwire 13: Dialogues. Tripwire, 2017.
Darkness. Make Now Press, 2012.
Contributor. No Gender: Reflections on the Life & Work of Kari Edwards. Litmus Press, 2009.
Girl Scout Nation. Displaced Press, 2008.
Co-author. Co. Roof Books, 2006.
Crop. Kelsey Street Press, 2003.
Editor. Tripwire No. 4: A Journal of Poetics (with David Buuck). 2001

Murguia, Alejandro
Contributor. The Sound of Call 24 (The City is Already Speaking #1). United Booksellers, 2018.
Contributor. Vitriol No. 2. Quiet Lightning, 2015.
Stray Poems: San Francisco Poet Laureate Series No. 6. City Lights Foundations Books, 2014.
Contributor. Pow Wow: Charting the Fault Lines in the American Experience. Da Capo Press, 2009.
Contributor. San Francisco Noir. Akashic Books, 2005.
The Medicine of Memory: A Mexica Clan in California. University of Texas Press, 2002.
This War Called Love. City Lights, 2002.
Volcán: Poems from Central America. City Lights Publishers, 2001.
Southern Front. Bilingual Review Press, 1990.

Muse, Charlotte
In Which I Forgive the River. Broadstone Books, 2021.
Violin. Broadstone Books, 2021. 
A Story Also Grows. Chester Creek Press - Letterpress Edition, 2010; Main Street Rag Publishing- Editors Choice Chapbook, 2010.
Co-Author. Trio. Specter Press, 1995.
The Comfort Teacher. The Heyeck Press, 1984. 

Muske-Dukes, Carol
Blue Rose. Finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry. Penguin Books, 2018.
Twin Cities. Penguin Books, 2011.
Channeling Mark Twain. Random House, 2007.
Life After Death: A Novel. Random House, 2004.
Sparrow. Random House, 2003.
Married to the Ice-Pick Killer: A Poet in Hollywood. Random House, 2002.
An Octave above Thunder. Penguin Books, 1997.
Skylight. Carnegie Mellon University Press, 1996.
Red Trousseau. Penguin Books, 1993.
Saving St. Germ: A Novel. Viking, 1993.
Dear Digby. Figueroa Press, 1989.
Applause. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1989.
Wyndmere. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1987.
Camouflage. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1975.

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Najarian, Peter
The Naked & The Nude: A Nonfiction Novel. Regent Press, 2017.
The Artist and His Mother. The Press At University of California, Fresno, 2010.
Son Ermeni. Aras, 2004.
The Great American Loneliness. Blue Crane Books, 1999.
Daughters of Memory. City Miner Books, 1986.
Voyages. Pantheon Books, 1971.

Nachtrieb, Peter
Fall Springs. Barrington Stage Company, 2019
The Making of a Great Moment. Z Space, 2017
A House Tour of The Infamous Porter Family Mansion with Tour Guide Weston Ludlow Londonderry. Z Space, 2016
The Totalitarians. Z Space, 2014
BOB. The Humana Festival for New American Plays at Actors Theatre of Louisville, 2011
Litter. American Conservatory Theatre, 2011
T.I.C. Encore Theatre Company, 2009
boom. Ars Nova, 2008
Hunter Gatherers. God knows when, 2006
Colorado. Impact Theatre, 2006
Meaningless. Bailiwick Repertory Theatre, 2004

Nealand, Eireene
Translator. The Darkroom by Marguerite Duras. Contra Medium Press, 2021.

Ng, Fae
Steer Toward Rock. Hachette Books, 2008.
Contributor. Granta 54: The Best of Young American Novelists. Grant, 1996.
Bone. Harper Perennial, 1994.

Nissim, Jesse
Where They Would Never Be Invited. Black Radish Books, 2016.
Nesting Instinct. Nous-zot Press, 2014.
Day Cracks Between the Bones of the Foot. Furniture Press, 2013.
Alphabet for M. Dancing Girl Press, 2007.

Nixon, Cornelia
The Use of Fame. Counterpoint LLC, 2017.
Jarettsville. Counterpoint LLC, 2008.
Contributor. The Believer Book of Writers Talking to Writer. McSweeney’s, 2008.
Angels Go Naked. Counterpoint, 2000. Bay Area Book Award Finalist.
Now You See It. Little Brown and Company, 1991. Carl Sandburg Award for
Fiction, Friends of the Chicago Public Library.
Lawrence’s Leadership Politics and the Turn against Women. University of
California Press, 1986.

Norton, Linda
Write Out; Love and Work.

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Orloff, Alvin
Disasterama! Adventures in the Queer Underground 1977-1997. Three Rooms Press, 2019.

Olsen, David
The Lost Language of Shadows. Dempsey & Windle, 2022. 

Orozco, Daniel
The Baseball Dictionary. Kindle, 2019.
Illustrator. Atlantis: The Akashic Trials. Kindle, 2016.
Decade. Lookout Books, 2014.


Parker, Suzy
Tumbling After. Crown Books, 2002.

Payne, Amy
Contributor. "The Funbus to Anamoose." Story Magazine, 2022.

Peelen, Mary
Quantum Heresis. Glass Lyre Press, 2019. Winner of the Kithara Book Prize.

Pine, Evelyn Jean
A Mermaid's Tears. San Francisco Fringe Festival, 2018
Mom, this is My Abortion. B8 Theatre, 2018.
Contributor. Songs of Hestia: Five Plays From the 2010 San Francisco Olympian Festival. Exit Press, 2012
First.Thick House, 2012.
Astonishment. New Play Development Factory, 2012.
Walking The Starry Path: A California Country Western Musical. The Exit Theatre, 2011.
“Back.” The Best of Playground 2005. Playground, 2005.

Pinkerton, Emily
Adaptations. Nomadic Press, 2018.
Bloom. Alley Cat Books, 2016.
Natural Disasters. Nomadic Press, 2016.

Pirapokin, Ploi
Contributor. "Reading Comprehension: Fuck-it Friends." Sycamore Review, 2022.

Pothier, Mark
Outer Sunset. University of Iowa Press, 2023. 

Pringle, Kathryn
Obscenity for the Advancement of Poetry. Omnidawn, 2017.
Fault Tree. Omnidawn, 2012.
Right New Biology. Factory School, 2009.
Temper & Felicity Are Lovers. Taxt Press, 2006.

Probst, Jan
Road Trip. Preformed at Winding Road Theater, and also a collaboration between Bethel College and Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Kansas (Prison Theater Project), 2022. 
Jill and Jack. Preformed at WVPE Wild Rose Moon Radio Hour, 2022. 

Provenzano, Jim
Finding Tulsa. Palm Drive Publishing, 2020.

Pryor, Josh
Monkey in the Middle. Carroll & Graf Publisher, 2003.
Fade to Black. Red Hen Press, 2003.

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Quackenbush, Cyndera
Contributor. Nature-Based Play and Expressive Therapies: Interventions for Working with Children, Teens and Families. Routledge, 2022.


Rao, Shobha
Den starkaste lågan. Lind & Co, 2019.
Girls Burn Brighter. Flatiron Books, 2018.
An Unrestored Woman. Flatiron Books, 2016. Winner of the Katherine Ann Porter Prize in Fiction.

Reyes, Barbara Jane
Letters to a Young Brown Girl, BOA Editions, 2020.
Invocation to Daughter: City Lights Spotlights No. 16. City Light Publishers, 2017.
Introduction. God’s Will for Monsters. Inlandia Institute, 2017.
Contributor. Imaniman: Poets Writing in the Anzaldúan Borderlands. Aunt Lute Books, 2017.
Editor. Neverthless, #She Persisted. Locofo Chaps, 2017.
Editor. Puñeta: Poltical Pilipinx Poetry, Vol. 2. Locofo Chaps, 2017.
To Love as Aswang: Songs, Fragments, and Found Object. Philippine American Writers and Artists, Inc., 2015.
For the City That Nearly Broke Me. Aztlan Libre Press, 2012.
Diwata. BOA Editions Ltd, 2010.
Poets and Artists (O&S) Self-Portrait Issue. GOSS193::CASA MENENDEZ, 2009.
West Oakland Sutra for AK-47 Shooter at 3:00 am and Other Oakland Poems. Deep Oakland, 2008.
Easter Sunday. Ypolita Press, 2008.
Cherry. Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs, 2008.
Co-author. Achiote Seed. Achiote Press, 2007.
Poeta en San Francisco: A Work in Progress. Tinfish Press, 2005.
2005 James Laughlin Award, Academy of American Poets.
Gravities of Center. Arkipelago Press, 2003.

Rice, Anne
Blood Communion. Alfred Knopf, 2018.
The Passion of Cleopatra. Anchor, 2017.
Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis. Alfred Knopf, 2016.
Prince Lestat. Alfred Knopf, 2014.
The Wolves of Midwinter. Alfred Knopf, 2012.
The Wolf Gift. Alfred Knopf, 2012.
Of Love and Evil. Alfred Knopf, 2010.
Angel Time. Alfred Knopf, 2009.
Called Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession. Alfred Knopf, 2008.
The Road to Cana. Alfred Knopf, 2008.
Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt. Alfred Knopf, 2005.
Blood Canticle. Alfred Knopf, 2003.
Blackwood Farm. Alfred Knopf, 2002.
The Master of Rampling Gate. Alfred Knopf, 2002.
Violin. Distribooks, 2002.
Blood and Gold. Alfred Knopf, 2001.
Merrick. Alfred Knopf, 2000.
Vittorio the Vampire. Alfred Knopf, 1999.
The Vampire Armand. Alfred Knopf, 1998.
Pandora. Alfred Knopf, 1998.
Violin. Alfred Knopf, 1998.
Servant of the Bones. Alfred Knopf, 1996.
Memnoch the Devil. Alfred Knopf, 1995.
Taltos. Alfred Knopf, 1994.
Lasher. Alfred Knopf, 1993.
The Tale of the Body Thief. Alfred Knopf, 1992.
The Witching Hour. Alfred Knopf, 1990.
The Mummy. Alfred Knopf, 1989.
The Queen of the Damned. Alfred Knopf, 1988.
The Vampire Lestat. Alfred Knopf, 1985.
Cry to Heaven. Alfred Knopf, 1982.
The Feast of All Saints. Alfred Knopf, 1979.
Interview with the Vampire. Alfred Knopf, 1976.

Rieser, Alex
Contributor: “Praying South.” Alta Dena Poetry Review, 2022.

Roach-Carter, TreVaughn
The Aziza Chronicles: Awakening. Deep Hearts YA, 2022.
Her Daughters. Michael Rubin Book Award winner, 2022.

Rodefer, Stephen
Call it Thought: Selected Poems. Carcanet Press Ltd, 2008.
Mon Canard: Six Poems. The Figures, 2000.
Left Under a Cloud. Small Press Distribution, 2000.
Answer to Doctor Agathon. Small Press Distribution, 1996.
Translator (with Geoff Ward and Ian Patterson). Rilke I IV VI by Rainer Maria Rilke. Poetical Histories, No. 31, 1994.
Writing Out of Character: Hid Lip/The Romaniad/Kobro (with John Wilkinson and Rod Mengham). Small Press Distribution, 1992.
Double Imperative Landscapes/Daydreams of Frascatti (with Chip Sullivan). Small Press Distrbution, 1992.
Passing Duration. Burning Deck Press, 1991.
Emergency Measures. The Figures, 1987.
Safety. Marjory Cantor, 1985.
Oriflamme Day (with Benjamin Friedlander). Phraseology, 1984.
Four Lectures. The Figures, 1982.
Plane Debris. Tuumba, 1981.
The Bell Clerk’s Tears Keep Flowing. The Figures, 1978.
Translator. Villon by Jean Calais. Pick Pocket Series, 1976.
One or Two Love Poems from the White World. Duende, 1976.
The Knife. Island Press, 1965.

Rogoff, Alice Elizabeth
Painting the Cat’s Vision. Blue Light Press, 2018.
Contributor: 23RD STREET POETS. CounterPULSE, 2009.

Romm, Robin
Editor. Double Bind: Women on Ambition. Liveright, 2017.
It’s What You Think (When You Think About Cheating). Shebooks, 2014.
Contributor. Antioch Review: Fall 2012. The Antioch Review, 2012.
The Mercy Papers. Scribner Book Companu, 2009.
The Mother Garden. Scribner Book Company, 2007.
The Tilt. Fourteen Hills Press, 2005. Michael Rubin Chapbook Award.

Rosenshein, Stephen
Sincerely, Before. Clarity Editions, 2018

Rosenthal, Sarah
We Could Hang a Radical Panel of Light. Drop Leaf Press, 2022.
Fire and Flood: Enacting Rehearsal as Performance. Above/Ground Press, 2021.
Contributor. Invested Stayers: How Teachers Thrive in Challenging Times. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2020.
The Grass is Greener When the Sun is Yellow. Operating System, 2019.
Lizard. Chax Press, 2016.
The Animal. Dusie, 2011.
Editor. A Community Writing Itself Conversations with Vanguard Writers of the Bay Area. Dalkey Archive Press, 2010.
The Unavailable Father: Understanding, Healing, Coping with a Broken Father-Daughter Relationship. GPP Life, 2010.
Manhatten. Spuyten Duyvil, 2009.
From Manhattan.” Bay Area Poetics, ed. Stephanie Young. Faux Press, 2006.
sitings. a+bend press, 2000.
How I Wrote This Story. Margin to Margin Press, 2001.
Disperse. Dusie Press, 2014.
not-chicago. Melodeon Poetry Systems, 1998.

Ryan, Patrick Earl
If We Were Electric. University of Georgia Press, 2020. 

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Saidenberg, Jocelyn
Kith & Kin. Elephants, 2018.
Dead Letter. Roof Books, 2014.
Dispossessed. Belladonna Book, 2007.
Negativity. Atelos, 2006.
Dusky. Belladonna Books, 2002.
Cusp. Kelsey Street, 2001.
Mortal City. Parenthesis Press, 1998.

Sam, Canyon
Sky Train: Tibetan Women on the Edge of History. University of Washington Press, 2009. Winner of the 2010 PEN American Center Open Book Award.

Sanchez, Thomas
Adversity: How to Overcome Adversity to Create a Life You Can be Proud Of. Kindle, 2019.
American Tropic. Vintage, 2013.
Right To Transportation: Moving to Equity. American Planning Association, 2009.
King Bongo: A Novel of Havana. Vintage, 2004.
Day of the Bees. Vintage, 2001.
Zoot Suit Murders. Vintage, 1991.
Mile Zero. Vintage, 1990.
Rabbit Boss. Vintage, 1991.
Kilomètre Zéro. SEUIL, 1990.
Co-author. Angels Burning/Ocean in View: The Malibu. Capra Pr, 1987.

Sapienza, Barbara
The Girl in the White Cape: A Novel. She Writes Press, 2023.
The Laundress: A Novel. She Writes Press, 2020.
Anchor Out. She Writes Press, 2017.

Sarris, Greg
Contributor. The Once and Future Forest: California’s Iconic Redwoods. Heyday and Save the Redwoods League, 2018.
How a Mountain was Made: Stories. Heyday, 2017.
Foreword. Surviving in Two Worlds: Contemporary Native American Voices. University of Texas Press, 2010.
Celebrating Petaluma. Petaluma Visitor’s Program, 2007.
Quest for Tribal Acknowledgment: California’s Honey Lake Maidus. University of Oklahoma Press, 2006.
Enfants D’Elba. Albin Michel, 2003.
Contributor. Nothing But the Truth: An Anthology of Native American Literature. Pearson, 2000.
Watermelon Nights. Penguin, 1999.
Mabel McKay: Weaving the Dream. University of California Press, 1997.
Grand Avenue: A Novel and Stories. Penguin, 1995.
Editor. The Sound of Rattles and Clappers: A Collection of New California Indian Writing. University of Arizona Press, 1994.
Keeping Slug Woman Alive: A Holistic Approach to American Indian Texts. University of California Press, 1993.

Schiffman, Lauren
Contributor. Wreckage of Reason: An Anthology of Contemporary XXperimental Prose by Women Writers. Spuyten Duyvil, 2008.
Hinge: A Boas Anthology. Auren Schiffman, 2002.

Schiffrin, Dan
"Forget Me Not." Sequestrum Magazine, 2016
"Pushkin Chronicles." Jet Fuel Review, 2016

Schultz, Kathy Lou
Contributor. Tripwire 13: Dialogues. Tripwire, 2017.
The Afro-Modernist Epic and Literary History: Tolson, Hughes, Baraka. Palgrave Macmillian, 2013.
Some Vague Wife. Atelos Press, 2002.
Genealogy. a + bend press, 1999.
Re dress. 14 Hills Press, 1994.
Michael Rubin Chapbook Award.
Editorial Advisory Board. HOW2: Contemporary Innovative Writing, 2000 to present.
Editor. Lipstick Eleven (literary magazine), 1996 to present.
Co-editor. HOW2: Contemporary Innovative Writing: Forum on Class and Poetics. Vol. I, No. 2, September 1999.
The New Fuck You: Adventures In Lesbian Reading. Semiotext(E), 1995.

Schuyler, Nina
In This Ravishing World. Regal House Publishing, 2024. Winner W.S. Porter Prize and Prism Prize for Climate Literature.
Afterword. CLASH Books, 2023.
Stunning Sentences: The Creative Writing Journal with 80 New Prompts from Beloved Authors to Improve Your Style. Fiction Advocate, 2022.
Contributor. “Dafodil Princess”. Sand Hill Literary Magazine, 2022.
How to Write Stunning Sentences: 100 Simple Exercises from Beloved Authors to Improve Your Sentence Writing Style. Fiction Advocate, 2018.
Contributor. Alcyone: Issue I: Speculative Fiction and Poetry. Independently Published, 2018.
The Translator. Pegasus, 2013.
Contributor. The Battered Suitcase Spring 2010. Vagabondage Press LLC, 2010.
The Painting. Algonquin Books, 2004.
The Business of Multimedia. Allworth Press, 1997.
The Unemployment Survival Handbook. Allworth Press, 1993.

Serin, Judith
Gravity. Eye Wear Publishing, 2022.

Setterberg, Fred
Sam Maloof: 36 Views of a Master Woodworker. Heyday, 2016.
Giving with Confidence: A Guide to Savvy Philanthropy. Heyday, 2012.
Lunch Bucker Paradise: A True-Life Novel. Heyday, 2011.
Contributor. American Fiction, Volume 11: The Best Previously Unpublished Short Stories by Emerging Authors. New Rivers Press, 2010.
Co-author. Grassroots Philanthropy: Field Notes of a Maverick Grantmaker. Heyday, 2008.
Co-author. Under the Dragon: California's New Culture. Heydey, 2007.
Editor. Travelers' Tales America: True Stories of Life on the Road. Traveler’s Tales, 1999.
The Roads Taken: Travels through America’s Literary Landscapes. University of Georgia Press, 1993. AWP Award for Creative Non-fiction.
Toxic Nation: The Fight to Save Our Communities from Chemical Contamination (with Lonny Shavelson). John Wiley & Sons, 1993.
Co-author. Succeeding With Consultants: Self-Assessment for the Changing Nonprofit. Foundation Center, 1992.
Beyond Profit: The Complete Guide to Managing the Non-Profit Organization. HarperCollins Publishers, 1985.

Shiroma, Jerrold
Untitled Object. Potes & Poets Press, 2000.
2 Poems. A+bend Press, 2000.

Shufran, Lauren
Inter Arma. Fence Books, 2013.
Burrow. Hooke Press, 2006.

Shultz, Kathy Lou
Some Vague Wife. Atelos Press, 2002.
Genealogy. A+bend Press, 1999.
Re dress. Fourteen Hills Press, 1994. Michael Rubin Chapbook Award.

Shlah, Zaid
Contributor. Inclined to Speak: An Anthology of Contemporary Arab American Poetry. University of Arkansas Press, 2008.
Taqsim. Zenane Independent Media, 2006.

Small, Kate
Contributor. BRAAAIIINNNSSS!: From Academics to Zombies. University of Ottawa Press, 2011.
The Gap in the Letter C. 14 Hills Press, 1999. Michael Rubin Chapbook Award.

Smallfield, Edward
To Whom It May Concern. Apogee Press, 2019.
Co-author. Lirio. Dancing Girl Press, 2014.
Equinox. Apogee Press, 2011.
One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (with Doug MacPherson). Battery Press, 2004.
The Pleasures of C. Apogee Press, 2001.
Trio (with Toni Mirosevich and Charlotte Muse). Specter Press, 1995.

Smith, Logan Ryan
The Sun My Destiny. Transmission Press, 2018.
Humans & Horses. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018.
Western Palaces. Transmission Press, 2016.
Y is for Fidelity. Transmission Press, 2016.
My Eyes Are Black Holes. Transmission Press, 2015.
Enjoy Me. Transmission Press, 2015.
Bug House. Missions Cleaners Books, 2013.
For Friends. Transmission Press, 2011.
In A State. Transmission Press, 2010.
Ghosts Spiders & Dogs. Transmission Press, 2010.
Tracks. Ypolita Press, 2009.
The Singers & The Notes. Dusie Press Books, 2009.
A Ring of Trumpet Brass. House Press, 2008.
Much Like You Shark. Dusie Press Books, 2007.
Stupid Birds. Transmission Books, 2007.
2 poems from the bottom of the barrel. Dusie Press Books, 2006.

Snow, Carol
Placed: Karesanui Poems. Counterpath Press, 2008.
The Seventy Propositions. University of California Press, 2004.
For. University of California Press, 2000.
Bowl. Em Press, 1998 (limited edition).
Breath as. Em Press, 1994 (limited edition).
Artist and Model. Atlantic Monthly Press, 1989. National Poetry Series winner.
1990 Poetry Center Book Award, SFSU.

Soehnlein, K.M.
Army of Lovers. Amble Press, 2022. 
Robin and Ruby. Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2019.
You Can Say You Knew Me When. Kensington Publishing, 2006.
Temporary Shelter: Eleven Stories. University of San Francisco, 2011.

St. Aubin, Susan
Contributor: Come Again. Cleis Press, 2015.
Contributor. Hunger: A Feast of Sensual Tales About Sex and Gastronomy. Sizzler, 2013.
Contributor. Dyke the Halls. Circlet Press. Inc, 2012.
A LOVE DRIVE-BY And Other Stories of Ambition, Hunger & Desire. Renaissance E-Books, Inc, 2011.
Contributor. Smooth. Cleis Press, 2010.
Contributor. Peep Show. Cleis Press, 2009.
Contributor. Lust: Erotic Fantasies for Women. Cleis Press, 2007.

Stein, Suzanne
Co-author. Do Your Own Damn Laundry. Gauss, 2019.
New Sutras. Dogpark Collective, 2019.
Contributor. Elderly Issue 23. Elderly, 2017.
Contributor. Occupy Poetics. Essay Press, 2015.
Pusher and the Sufferer: An Unsentimental Reading of "Moby Dick." Routledge, 2014.
Passenger Ship. Ypolita Press, 2013.
tout va bien. Displaced Press, 2012.
Hole in Space. OMG Press, 2009.
From “Shack.” Bay Area Poetics, ed. Stephanie Young. Faux Press, 2006.
Editor. Taxt (poetry chapbooks).
Contributor. Small Town 4. LRS, 2005.

Stokes, SB
A History of Broken Love Things. Punk Hostage Press, 2014.
Dark Entries. Gorilla Press & the Pedestrian Press, 2014.

Stowell, Phyllis
Tranformations: Nearing the End of Life. Chiron Publications, 2019.

Strang, Brian
Co-editor. 26: A Journal of Poetry and Poetics. 2005.
Incretions. Spuyten Duyvil Press, 2004.
Machinations. Duration Press,
Normal School: hommage a Beckett. lyric& press, 2002.
A Draft of L Cavatinas: Letters to EZ. Potes and Poets Press, 2000.
movements in avenues in rows. a + bend press. 2000.

Strugnell, Anne-Christine
Contributor: “Dereliction of Duty.” Valparaiso Fiction Review, 2022.
Contributor: ”In Search of the Miracle Bra”. Waxing and Waning, 2022.  

Suchow, Dana
#GirlHero Award, 2018

Sweeney, Chad
White Martini of the Apocalypse. Marick Press, 2015.
Wolf's Milk: The Lost Notebooks of Juan Sweeney. Forklift, 2012.
Translator. The Art of Stepping Through Time: Selected Poems of H.E. Sayeh.
Parable of Hide and Seek. Alice James Books, 2010.
Arranging the Blaze. Anhinga Press, 2009.
Co-editor. Days I Moved Through Ordinary Sounds: The Extraordinary Work of WritersCorps Teachers. City Lights Foundations Books, 2009.
Writing Up the Wall: Fifteen Years of Poetry and Prose by Teachers of the National WritersCorps. WritersCorps Books, 2008.
An Architecture. Blazevox Books, 2007.
Translator (with Mojdeh Marashi). Arghavaan: The Selected Poems of H.E. Sayeh. Wellspring Press (Nashre Cheshmeh) 2007.
Editor. College Spotlight Series. Poetry Flash, 2006-2007.
A Mirror to Shatter the Hammers. Tarpaulin Sky. 2006.
Editor. World Outside the Frame: Poetry and Photography by Mission Youth. WritersCorps Books, 2006.
Editor. Happiness and Hunger: Poetry and Images by Mission Youth Poets. WritersCorps Books, 2005.
Editor. Murals of Me: Poems and Images by Mercy Youth. WritersCorps Books, 2005.
Editor. The Seed of the Free: Poems by Antoinette Osborne. WritersCorps Books, 2005.
Editor. Dream Graffiti: Poems by Robin Black. WritersCorps Books, 2005.
Editor. Parthenon West Review. 2004 to the present.
Editor. The Seed of the Free: Poetry of the Mission. WritersCorps Books, 2004.
Editor. My People: Poetry of the World. WritersCorps Books, 2004.
Editor. Standing in the Sky: Mission Youth Poets. WritersCorps Books, 2003.
Editor. Wild Eye: Poetry by San Francisco Youth Poets. WritersCorps Books, 2003.
Nail by Nail the Sunlight. Urban Iris Press, 2003.
Mushrooms. 3300 Press / Free Radical Poetry Series 1995.
Relearning the Tongue. Broncho Press, 1993.

Swensen, Cole
Now, Now, Louison. New Directions, 2019.
On Walking On. Nightboat Books, 2017.
Landscapes on a Trains. Nightboat Books, 2015.
Walk (EP #36). Essay Press, 2015.
Contributor. Walking Sculpture 1967-2015. deCordova Sculpture Park and
Museum, 2015.
Editor. Best American Experimental Writing. Omnidawn, 2014.
Stele. Post Apollo Press, 2012.
Gravesend. Ugly Duckling Press, 2010.
Editor. American Hybrid: A Norton Anthology of New Poetry. W.W. Norton, 2009.
Ghosts are Hope. Observable Books, 2008.
Ours. University of California Press, 2008.
The Glass Age. Alice James Books, 2007.
The Book of a Hundred Hands. University of Iowa Press, 2005.
Goest. Alice James Books, 2004.
National Book Award Finalist.
Noon. Green Integer, 2003.
Co-translator. Distant Noise by Jean Fremon. Avec Books, 2003.
Such Rich Hour. University of Iowa Press, 2001.
Oh. Apogee Press, 2000.
And Hand. a + bend Press, 2000.
Try. University of Iowa Press, 1999.
Paolo Uccello Examines the Sky. Dolphin Press, 1999.
Translator. Natural Gaits by Pierre Alfani. Sun and Moon, 1995.
Numen. Burning Deck Press, 1995.
Park. Floating Island Publications, 1991.
New Math. William Morrow and Company, 1988.
National Poetry Series Award.
It’s Alive, She Says. Small Press Distribution, 1984.

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Tollifson, Joan
Death: The End of Self-Improvement. New Sarum Press, 2019. 
Nothing to Grasp. Nonduality Press, 2012.
Painting the Sidewalk with Water. Nonduality Press, 2010
Awake in the Heartland: The Ecstasy of What Is. Nonduality Press, 2006. 
Barebones Meditation: Waking Up from the Story of My Life. Random House, 1996.

Tomash, Barbara
The Secret of White. Spuyten Duyvil, 2007.
Flying in Water. Winnow Press, 2006.
Winnow First Poetry Award, 2005.

Touhy, Andrew
Designs for a Magician's Top Hat. Winner of the Yemassee Fiction Chapbook Prize, 2020.

Tran, Angelica Maria Barraza
How To Know You're Dreaming When You're Dreaming, Lesson One. Inlandia, 2023. Winner, Hilary Gravendyk Award. 

Tsukiyama, Gail
Dreaming Water. St. Martin’s Press, 2002.
The Language of Threads. St. Martin’s Press, 1999.
Night of Many Dreams. St. Martin’s Press, 1998.
The Samurai’s Garden. St. Martin’s Press, 1996.
Women of the Silk. St. Martin’s Press, 1991.

Tu, Hung Q.
A Great Ravine. Parentheses Writing Series,
Verisimilitude. Atelos Press, 2000.
Structures of Feeling. Krupskaya, 2003

Tran, Truong
Within the Margin. Apogee Press, 2004.
Dust and Conscience (Book of the Familiar). Apogee Press, 2004.
2002 Poetry Center Award, SFSU.
placing the accents. Apogee Press, 1999.

Treadwell, Elizabeth
Birds & Fancies. Shearsman Books, 2007.
Wardolly. Chax Press, 2007.
Cornstarch Figurine. Dusie Press, 2006.
From Wardolly. Bay Area Poetics, ed. Stephanie Young. Faux Press, 2006.
Eve Doe: Prior to Landscape. a + bend press.

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Vaz, Rene
The Planet of the Dead. Nomadic Press, 2017.

Vedder, Leslie
The Bone Spindle. Razorbill/ Penguin Teen, 2022. 

Vincent, Stephen
Walking Theory. Junction Press, 2007.
From Walking. Bay Area Poetics, ed. Stephanie Young. Faux Press, 2006.
Triggers (ebook). Shearsman, 2005.
Sleeping with Sappho. Faux Books, 2004.
Walking. Junction Press, 1993.
Publisher and Editor. Momo’s Press, 1974-1986.
Passage. Meadow Press, 1983.
Poetry Review Editor. San Francisco Review of Books, 1974-1980.
Now Everyone Knows Childcare. Momo’s Press, 1980.
Five on the Western Edge (with Beau Beusoleil, Steve Books, Hilton Obenzinger, and Larry Felson). Momo’s Press, 1977.
The Ballad of Artie Bremer. Momo’s Press, 1974.
Founding Coordinator. California’s Poetry-in-the-Schools Program, 1971-1973.
White Lights & Whale Hearts. The Crossing Press, 1971.
Piece by Piece. Redberry / Okike Publications, 1967.

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Wangmo Dhompa, Tsering
My rice tastes like the lake. Apogee Press, 2011.
Selvage: for country. Belladonna* Collective, 2011.
In the Absent Everyday. Apogee Press, 2005.
Rules of the House. Apogee Press, 2003.

Walker, Laura
A Helping Children to Learn about Safer Sexual Behavior: A Narrative Approach to Working with Young Chidren and Sexually Concerning Behavior. Routledge, 2017.
Helping Children to Learn about Safer Sexual Behavior: Taking Steps to Safety, a Guidebook, Including Billy and the Tingles Picturebook. Routledge, 2017.
Story. Apogee Press. 2016.
Follow-Haswed. Apogee Press, 2012.
Bird Book. Shearsman Books, 2010.
The Astrology of the Black Moon: A Guide to Healing the Shadow Side. Ten Dog Publishing, 2011.
rimertown: an atlas. University of California Press, 2008.
Swarm Lure. Battery Press, 2004.
Spend and Deliver: A Guide to the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework. Idasa, 1999.

Wall, Dorothy
Contributor: ”In Dreams,” and “Family History.” Twelve Winters Journal, 2022.
Contributor: “My Grandson Wants to Go to Chernobyl”. Split Rock Review, 2022.

Wargo, Shari
Passing Flames. LuLu Press, 2006.

Wassilie, Sandra
The Dream That is Childhood. Cirque Press, 2020
"The Haunting." Civil Liberties United: Diverse Voices from the San Francisco Bay Area, 2019. 
"Fire Dance." Naked Bulb Anthology, 2018.
"Disruptors." Cirque, 2018  
"Little Darlings." Naked Bulb Anthology, 2017
"Skin in the Game." Naked Bulb Anthology, 2016.

White, Darryl
Catch Virus: A Collection. Ramblr Magazine, 2020.

White, Marnie
Echoes of an Open Space Ranch. Pleasant Hill Pr, 2000. 

Withers, Meg
A Communion of Saints. Tinfish Press, 2008.
Must Be Present to Win. Ghost Road Press, 2006.

Wood, Anne, E.
Two if by Sea.14 Hills Press, 2006. Michael Rubin First Book Award.

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Yacowitz, Caryn Huberman
The Jade Stone: A Chinese Folk Tale. Pelican Publishing, 2005.
Inuit Indians (non-fiction). Heinemann Library, 2003
Seminole Indians (non-fiction). Heinemann Library, 2003
Comanche Indians (non-fiction). Heinemann Library, 2003
Lakota Indians (non-fiction). Heinemann Library, 2003
Iroquois Indians (non-fiction). Heinemann Library, 2003
Navajo Indians (non-fiction). Heinemann Library, 2003
Shawnee Indians (non-fiction). Heinemann Library Publishers, 2003
South Dakota (non-fiction). Scholastic 2003
Pumpkin Fiesta. Harper Collins, 1998.
Jeans! (musical play, co-written)
Pumpkin Fiesta! (musical play)
Onstage / Backstage. Carol-Rhoda Books, 1987.

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